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Hunt Showdown 1.15 Update Out Now, Patch Notes Revealed

Hunt Showdown 1.15 Update Out Now, Patch Notes Revealed
Ana sayfa / Patch Notes

Hunt: Showdown is a first-person shooter video game developed and published by Crytek in the past years. In the game, the player assumes the role of a bounty hunter who must kill a mythical monster in order to claim the bounty and survive long enough to reach an extraction point. The game receives patches regularly and a while ago a new one showed up. Check out the Hunt Showdown 1.15 update patch notes down below.

Hunt Showdown 1.15 Update Patch Notes

Hunt Showdown 1.14.1 Update Patch Notes

Progression Update

Developer’s note:

 This update includes an overhaul of Hunt’s Bloodline and Weapon Progression. Our goal with these changes is to make Progression easier, faster, and more convenient for both new and Prestige players. A note on terminology: a “weapon family” refers to the unlocks of a base item – e.g. the Nagant M1895 family includes the Nagant M1895 Poison Ammo, Nagant M1895 Precision, etc.


Developer’s note:

 In light of these changes, the unlock order for most items in the Bloodline has been changed. Our approach has been to make key gameplay items and Traits available earlier in the Bloodline. All gameplay items are now unlocked by Rank 64.

XP Balance Changes

Developer’s note:

 The changes we’ve made to Progression are balanced with the individual player in mind—increasing XP earned, reducing XP requirements, and ensuring easier access to key unlocks. With this in mind, we opted to remove team-shared weapon XP, both to improve the clarity of Progression and because it compromises the new system’s balancing. We’ll be closely monitoring player feedback and Progression data, considering measures to further assist Progression if needed.

Weapon Family XP

Developer’s note:

 The XP requirements have been rebalanced according to XP awarded for a player kill, 450 XP. This leads to an overall reduction in XP required to unlock the complete family and ensures no unlock is ever more than two kills away. The XP required to unlock all custom ammo and weapon variants has been reduced by 33% across all families combined. This change should make Weapon Progression easier to understand and more accessible, especially for newer players.

Weapon InspectionThe second batch of Weapon Inspect animations is here! This batch includes all rifles and shotguns, as well as their variants and Legendary versions.

Triggering the action can be done by pressing the ‘Weapon Inspect’ input. The default bindings for supported platforms are:

Once triggered, any Inspect animation can be instantly interrupted by most other gameplay actions (aiming, attacking, quick-swap, etc.).

New Controller Behavior

Input CurvesInput curves describe how the stick input is translated to camera rotation. We have added four new options for players to tweak the responsiveness of their aim input. Check the menu for detailed descriptions.

Aim BoostThe way we increase sensitivity when stick input is maxed out has been reworked, and new settings are now available. “Aim Boost” replaces the old “Turning Extra Strength” option, but aims to achieve the same result: to allow for high-turn speeds when needed without compromising carefully tweaked aim behavior.

It is now possible to set the threshold after which Aim Boost is applied.

The following settings can be tweaked for each aim stage (Default, Shoulder Aim, Aim Down Sights) separately.

DeadzonesInner deadzones can now be adjusted for the left and right stick individually. Adjusting these values can maximize the input value range of a controller and allow for more precise aiming.

Keep in mind that these are hardware-specific settings which should be adjusted for each individual input device. Excessively low values might lead to unwanted input (stick drift).

Select First Melee ToolDouble-clicking “Weapon Switch” ( Y / Triangle) will equip the first melee tool it finds in your inventory (regardless of the slot). If no Knives or Dusters are present, Throwing Knives and Throwing Axes are considered valid options.

Developer’s Note:

 This is the first step to make equipment more easily accessible for players. This feature should make it more comfortable to switch back and forth between main weapons and melee tools while moving. It also allows players to assign a less frequently used Tool or Consumable to the quick slot (D-pad) which is usually used for the melee option.

Sprinting BehaviorA setting has been added which prevents a left stick click (L3) from stopping sprinting. In this case, sprinting can only be stopped by reducing movement speed.

VibrationController vibration has been improved, and its strength has been reduced to create better contrast between key and secondary actions. Changes include:

TraitsTwo previous Event Traits are returning as permanent Burn Traits. They can now be found in the world, either dropped from Meatheads or by chance as a Trait Spur.

Developer’s Note:

 The Traits are not tied to any Pact and will remain after the conclusion of Tide of Desolation. These Burn Traits have low drop rates and will remain exceptionally rare in the bayou.


ADS Improvements

Balancing Changes



Gun Oil & Blueprint changes

TraitsSeveral Traits with similar functionalities have been merged into new or updated Traits. Any updated or changed Traits currently equipped on Hunters will be automatically switched to their new or updated equivalents, or refunded as Upgrade Points.

Equipment Prices

Bounty Hunt Recruits Changes


Equipment and Traits

Legendary Hunters

Running Low on Hunt Dollars

New EquipmentDuring the Tide of Desolation Event, the newly added equipment outlined below will be unlocked by progressing through the Event. Once Tide of Desolation has ended, the following equipment will be moved to the regular Bloodline Progression:


Custom Ammo





Rule of Two ChangesThe Rule of Two has been removed from Cash Registers, Envelopes, Purses, Traits, Blueprints, and Gun Oil. Moving forward, these objects will not disappear after two uses; they will remain in the world and can be interacted with once by each Hunter.

GeneratorsAll Generators have been removed from all maps. The entry in the Manual that mentions the Generators has also been removed accordingly. Now the electric lights in each compound will have a percentage chance to be on when a Mission starts, on certain Times of Day. These Times of Day are Night, Serpent Night, and Ash Bloom. When on, the only way to turn off the electric lights is to shoot them.

WorkbenchesWorkbenches are new in-world entities that appear in every compound. They have a chance to spawn Gun Oil, a Blueprint, Hunt Dollar or Blood Bond pouches, and specific weapons. Gun Oil and Blueprints now spawn exclusively at workbenches. Any weapons spawned at Workbenches are variants, not base weapons – IE: Silencer, Bayonet, etc.

ElevatorsThe speed of all elevators has doubled, resulting in increased usefulness in specific situations.

Lawson DeltaAdded new ladders to side buildings in Arden Parish.

Shooting rangeThe Shooting Range now has an area dedicated to showcasing Event weapons and Event Traits. These items are available for all to test for the duration of the Event.

Additionally, we’ve added the following equipment to the Shooting Range:

Challenges Pools UpdateAdded new Challenges:

New Legendary Content

Black Market Content UpdateAll three stores in the Black Market have been reset.







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